Tools I use to create web apps


I will develop a contract or a system of contracts in the language of Solidity. I'll write unit tests with Hardhat. While development I also use OpenZeppelin framework.

Solidity Hardhat OpenZeppelin



For programming in javascript I prefer use latest version of ECMAScript and Typescript. For basis I always use Vue.js. As a module builder I use webpack. I cover code by unit tests with: chai, mocha, jest and so on.
ecma-script vue-js jest chai mocha webpack


For html I prefer use Pug. I describe html styles with SCSS/SASS. I build only responsive html layouts. Mostly I have worked with , but for this site I have used Semantic UI.
sass twitter-bootstrap semantic-ui pug


For now I am developing a backend either with Golang or Node.js. Once upon a time for same purposes I used Php, Laravel Framework with a testing.
Laravel Framework язык golang язык php PHPUnit node-js


I work on a Macbook pro. Touch typing and VIM editor make the text editing lightning fast. Any changes are under control of git. I make notes and docs in Markdown. My documents automated in google apps. Also I may use either Toggl or Vitamin-R2 or Screenflow (if you need video reports) as a timer. For GTD I may use OmniFocus and other GTD soft.
mac os x keymap vim git markdown omni Vitamin-R 2 Google Apps


In recent years I have used OS Ubuntu / Debian (in childhood I use FreeBSD). As a web server I have used Nginx, Caddy (In childhood - Apache). And now, using Docker, I can install different versions of backend services at the same time. I use docker-composer, docker-swarm, docker-machine and so on. System based on docker possible transfer to other hardware in minutes.
Docker Nginx Ubuntu Apache Debian


To build ER-diagrams, flowcharts, brainstorm I usually use lucidchart, my mind and walking back and forth.

lucidchart-projecting brain


Now I do the design layout in theSketch or Figma.
But I used to work in Photoshop for a long time before.
Sketch Figma Photoshop